Kia ora,
The AYA Cancer Network understands you and your whānau may feel unsettled and worried by the COVID-19 situation at present. It is ok to feel like this, but please know that cancer centres around the country are prepared to continue delivering essential cancer services at all alert levels.
Up-to-date information about COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) and cancer care can be found on the Ministry of Health website
Please also find below an update from Te Aho o Te Kahu the national Cancer Control Agency on cancer service delivery at alert levels 3 and 4.
The AYA Keyworkers will continue to be available throughout any form of lockdown. If you need any support or direction as to your care and treatment please make contact. For more information on the AYA Keyworker service, visit: Where Can I Find Help?
You can also contact the AYA Cancer Network at AYACancer@adhb.govt.nz, on 021 337 129 or through Facebook, Instagram (@ayacancernetwork) and Twitter (@NZayacancer).
Kia kaha,
AYA Cancer Network Aotearoa
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The Clinical Leader is responsible for providing clinical leadership and national oversight of the network .
Heidi is a passionate and experienced health professional with a strong clinical, education and leadership background. Her enthusiasm for, and commitment to youth health has focused on improving the outcomes of youth with cancer and chronic health conditions. Previously, Heidi held the position of AYA Cancer Nurse Specialist for Auckland District Health Board. Alongside her AYA clinical leadership role she holds a youth health academic position at the University of Auckland.