Palliative Care

Printable Resources
Support Directory
For a full list of NZ hospices |
National Paediatric palliative care service |
Skylight offers both individual and family counselling for children, young people, family/whānau and friends who are experiencing grief, loss and Trauma. |
Make a Wish NZ grants wishes and experiences for children and young people with life threatening conditions up to 18 years of age.
Guidelines/ Research
Starship | Paediatric Palliative Care Clinical Guidelines
Together for Short Lives | Standards framework for children’s palliative care
Together for Short Lives | Making a difference for young adult patients
Together for Short Lives | A guide to children’s palliative care: fourth edition
Web Resources
Skylight |
Together for Short Lives (UK) |
Paediatric Palliative Care (Australia) Links to resources for professionals, caregivers and teachers
Te Hokinga a Wairua | Website for individuals, partners or whānau of an adult (including AYAs) at the end of their life.
Contains practical information about what to do after a bereavement |
Knowledge Hub | For resources including online training and development in working with adults (including young adults) |
Paediatric Clinical Care Network in NZ | The Paediatric Palliative Care Clinical Network leads and provides clinical oversight of the implementation of the Guidance for Integrated Paediatric Palliative Care Services in New Zealand.
It provides advice on service and treatment issues to the Paediatric Society of New Zealand and Ministry of Health through the Palliative Care Advisory Group:
Tools developed in Aotearoa/ New Zealand
Starship Child Health Advance Care Plan | Te Wa Aroha/Allow Natural Death
My advance care plan & guide | Plan the healthcare you want in the future and for the end of your life
My advance care plan & guide | Advanced Care Plan Guide 2016
Te Ara Whakapiri Toolkit | Care in the last days of life
CDHB Child health end of life care plan
ACP Waka Booklet Part 2 – Fill out
Resources developed by Palliative Care Australia
An overview to Family Meetings and Difficult Conversations
Supporting students at school after a death – A resource for teachers
A resource for friends and family of someone caring for a serious ill child
A Booklet for parents to help with discussions with the Palliative Care Team about your child | Here for you
Voicing my choices | Example of booklet used for young people who are palliative
Voicing my choices | You can order for a small fee here
Together for Short Lives | End of Life Planning Prompt Sheet
Together for Short Lives | Caring for a child at end of life