Midland Region

About Us

The Midland AYA Cancer Service provides services to the upper middle region of the North Island including Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Lakes and Tairawhiti districts.

The AYA cancer keyworker is based out of Waikato hospital and works with young people diagnosed and treated there. The AYA Cancer Keyworker liaises with health professionals with expertise in AYA cancer care located in Thames, Tauranga, Rotorua, Whakatane and Hauora Tairawhiti hospital. They support the care provided to any young people diagnosed and receiving treatment in these areas.

The AYA cancer keyworker is based out of Palmerston North Hospital and works with all young people diagnosed and treated there.

How to make a referral to the AYA Cancer Service

Referrals should be made to the AYA Cancer Service when there is a high suspicion of cancer. Early involvement of this specialist service helps young people and their whānau to navigate services and ensures that important AYA-specific issues are addressed early, including fertility preservation and clinical trial enrolment.

We welcome referrals from young people and their whānau, general practitioners (GP), NGO providers and cancer services staff such as nurses, social workers, specialists and psychologists. Make your referral by contacting either the keyworker or clinical lead.

Meet the AYA Keyworker and Clinical Lead


Ellyn Proffit

AYA Keyworker
021 223 6145


Charles De Groot

AYA Clinical Lead
07 839 8899 - Waikato Hospital

Midlands Regional AYA Champions

Radiation Champions

Waikato Hospital - Hamilton

Grace Burnett

Grace Burnett - Waikato

Radiation Therapist Grace.Burnett@waikatodhb.health.nz

profile pic (1)

Kevin Quick - Waikato

Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Registrar Kevin.Quick@waikatodhb.health.nz

Hayley Miller

Hayley Miller - Waikato

Radiation Therapist Hayley.Miller@waikatodhb.health.nz

Jessica Anderson

Jessica Anderson - Waikato

Radiation Therapist

Kathleen Kilgour Centre - Tauranga

Ariana Cann

Ariana Cann -
Kathleen Kilgour Centre

Radiation Therapist

Rosie LeMay

Rosie LeMay -
Kathleen Kilgour Centre

Radiation Therapist rosie.lemay@kathleenkilgourcentre.co.nz

Adult Day Stay AYA Champions


Gina Gardiner - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep


Regina Ren - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep


Micaela Skeen - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep Micaela.Skeen@waikatodhb.health.nz

Megan Mansfield

Megan Mansfield - Lakes

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep Megan.Mansfield@lakesdhb.govt.nz

Kelly Norris - Tairāwhiti

Oncology / Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist - AYA Rep Kelly.Norris@tdh.org.nz


Liv Collier - Bay of Plenty

Clinical Nurse Specialist - AYA Rep


Kirsty Clegg - Bay of Plenty

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep Kirsty.Clegg@bopdhb.govt.nz

Adult In-Patient AYA Champions - Ward M5 Waikato Hospital


Danielle Rewi-Wetini - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep


Carven Hipolito - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep Carven.Hipolito@waikatodhb.health.nz


Melissa Haynes - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep Melissa.Haynes@waikatodhb.health.nz


Kate McCosh - Waikato

Registered Nurse - AYA Rep Kate.McCosh@waikatodhb.health.nz

Midland Paediatric Shared Care Nurse AYA Champions

Sharon Powley

Sharon Powley - Whakatāne

Clinical Nurse Manager, Paediatric, Whakatāne (Paed Shared Care) Sharon.Powley@bopdhb.govt.nz

Maree Cresswell

Maree Cresswell - Bay of Plenty

BOP Paed Shared Care Nurse Maree.Cresswell@bopdhb.govt.nz


Clove Wright - Bay of Plenty

BOP Paed Shared Care Nurse Clove.Pywell@bopdhb.govt.nz

Danielle Polyblank-Finn - Waikato

Registered Nurse - Waikato Paed Shared Care Nurse

Lisa Van Walraven - Waikato

Registered Nurse - Waikato Paed Shared Care Nurse

Cathy Mott

Cath Mott - Lakes

Oncology Link Nurse (Paed Shared Care) Cath.Mott@lakesdhb.govt.nz

Deb McKay

Deb Mckay - Tairāwhiti

Clinical Nurse Manager, Paediatrics (Paed Shared Care) debram@tdh.org.nz

More about the Midland service

Flyers and Information

Service overview – this one page document gives an overview of the Midland Service

More information on the service – this brochure gives more in depth information about the Midland Service

Waiora Waikato Hospital Map – this map will help you find your way around

Waikato DHB parking – this link provides your visitors with information on where to park at Waikato Hospital

Heidi Watson

The Clinical Leader is responsible for providing clinical leadership and national oversight of the network .

Heidi is a passionate and experienced health professional with a strong clinical, education and leadership background. Her enthusiasm for, and commitment to youth health has focused on improving the outcomes of youth with cancer and chronic health conditions. Previously, Heidi held the position of AYA Cancer Nurse Specialist for Auckland District Health Board. Alongside her AYA clinical leadership role she holds a youth health academic position at the University of Auckland.