Meet our Team


Dr Richard Sullivan

Chair of the Governance Group


Kirsten Ballantine

National Programme Manager
Research and Data Lead


Houston Murray

Project Coordinator

Mandy De Silva

Mandy PohLui De Silva

Project Manager for Sedation Guidelines

Tristan Pettit

Chair for the AYA Standards of Care


Ellyn Proffit

Chair of the AYA Keyworker Team
021 223 6145

Lousie Sue

Louise Sue

Chair of the AYA Palliative Care Working Group
027 382 6584

Governance Group

A governance group of senior-level sector experts and co-chairs of the Consumer Advisory Group are responsible for setting the national strategic direction for AYA Cancer Services in New Zealand. They will ensure the projects and activities undertaken by the Network both inform and support the high level objectives of the network.

The Governance Group members are:

  • Dr Richard Sullivan – Chief Clinical Officer, Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora

  • Dr Stephen Laughton – Clinical Lead, National Child Cancer Network Clinical Lead

  • Stephanie Turner – Director Māori Health Outcomes, Health Quality & Safety Commission

  • Fionnagh Dougan – National Director, Hospital & Specialist Services, Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora

  • Tess Luff – Public Health Medicine Specialist, Cancer Control Agency – Te Aho o Te Kahu

  • Esther Pekepo – Co Chair, AYA Consumer Advisory Group

  • Mackenzie Tohill – Co Chair, AYA Consumer Advisory Group 

Dr Richard Sullivan

Dr Richard Sullivan is the Chief Clinical Officer Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora and Director of Canopy Healthcare Group. He has previously held positions as the Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Director of Surgery at Auckland City Hospital,  the Director of Cancer and Blood Directorate at Auckland City Hospital, and the Director of the Northern Cancer Network. 


Richard is a medical oncologist with a specialist interest in lung cancer, head, neck, and brain tumours, and mesothelioma. He has been the principle investigator on several New Zealand lung cancer research trials and sat on numerous national cancer-related committees and boards including Te Aho o Te Kahu, Auckland Northland Cancer Society, and Mesothelioma Trust. 


In 2013 Richard co-chaired the AYA Cancer Advisory Group which – following a comprehensive review of AYA cancer services and outcomes – recommended the establishment of the AYA Cancer Network Aotearoa. He has been involved in the Network at a leadership and governance level ever since its inception. 

Kirsten Ballantine

Kirsten Ballantine

Kirsten officially joined the Network leadership team in 2019 but her involvement with the Network goes back much further. In 2013 she co-authored the 2000-2009 AYA cancer incidence and survival analysis which contributed to the establishment of the AYA Cancer Network Aotearoa the following year. She has presented her work in this and other AYA cancer research at international conferences and in academic journals.

She enjoys advancing New Zealand cancer research through conducting statistical analysis for clinician-led studies and supervising summer studentship projects. Kirsten strongly believes in the importance of having ready access to high-quality data to improve the outcomes for all young cancer patients and their families.

Houston Murray


Houston started with the AYA Cancer Network in 2024 after completing her Master’s in 2023. Her research was based on the Child Cancer Counselling Network and her passions lie within the area of patient and family psychosocial support on their health journey. Houston also works for the National Child Cancer Network (NCCN). 

Tristan Pettit

The Standards of Care Chair is responsible for providing the clinical leadership to the development of the AYA Standards of Care.

Tristan is a paediatric oncologist from Christchurch. His interest in AYA oncology grew from witnessing first-hand the barriers in care that exist for this patient group. Tristan is a member of the AYA oncology team at Christchurch Hospital and worked with the Sydney Youth Cancer Service during his fellowship training. He played a critical role in the leadership of the Standards of Care Working Group, ensuring relevant, representative and measurable Standards of Care were developed for AYA oncology patients in New Zealand.

Ellyn Proffit


Kia ora! I’m Ellyn, one of 7 Keyworkers around Aotearoa supporting 12 – 24 year olds with cancer, whom make up the Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Service.  The area I cover is Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Lakes and my home – Tairawhiti. 

In my first 10 years of nursing, I did children’s surgical nursing and while there took on the Waikato Shared Care Nurse role – helping coordinate and provide oncology care for children and young people up to the age of 15, across the region. In 2007, I stepped out of my comfort zone and applied to be an AYA Cancer Key Worker. 

Learning there were colleagues doing the same role across Aotearoa, my goal was to come together, grow, share and support each other, which we still do to this day – via monthly online hui and yearly ‘Face 2 Face’ hui.  Our goal is to ensure young people receive best practise care – no matter where they live!!  And every day we are working towards this with the awesome support of the Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Network Aotearoa.

Heidi Watson

The Clinical Leader is responsible for providing clinical leadership and national oversight of the network .

Heidi is a passionate and experienced health professional with a strong clinical, education and leadership background. Her enthusiasm for, and commitment to youth health has focused on improving the outcomes of youth with cancer and chronic health conditions. Previously, Heidi held the position of AYA Cancer Nurse Specialist for Auckland District Health Board. Alongside her AYA clinical leadership role she holds a youth health academic position at the University of Auckland.