Substance Use (Drugs & Alcohol)

"I was too scared to ask my doctor about weed or chemo...
so I stayed quiet"
AYA patient

Below is information on alcohol and drug use while on treatment and tips as to how to socialise at a party and not drink.
If you have any questions or would like further information please ask your healthcare team or your AYA Keyworker.
They are there to provide you with confidential support and information.

Printable Resources

Support Directory

Alcohol Drug Helpline

Available 24/7 for confidential advice, support and guidance: 0800 787 797

Altered High and Community Alcohol and Drug Services (CADS)

Ph: 09 845 1893


PotHelp aims to support New Zealanders wanting to change their relationship with cannabis either now, or in the future.
Includes screening and action tools.

Drug Help

A New Zealand resource for addressing and changing relationships with drugs.

New Zealand Drug Foundation

For education and advice regarding alcohol and other drug use.


A 24/7 support service for young people: 0800 376633
Smoking cessation teams within the hospital that can support young people by providing medication, behavioural support and motivation.


A national service that aims to improve mental health and wellbeing for infants, children and young people through service improvement, workforce development, and advocacy.
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Heidi Watson

The Clinical Leader is responsible for providing clinical leadership and national oversight of the network .

Heidi is a passionate and experienced health professional with a strong clinical, education and leadership background. Her enthusiasm for, and commitment to youth health has focused on improving the outcomes of youth with cancer and chronic health conditions. Previously, Heidi held the position of AYA Cancer Nurse Specialist for Auckland District Health Board. Alongside her AYA clinical leadership role she holds a youth health academic position at the University of Auckland.