Whānau Support

"The consultant was really interested in what my mum had to say, and sat down and spent 4 hours speaking with her, and that made a difference for mum bringing me in for treatment"
AYA patient

Below is a collection of information booklets for whānau members including the parents and siblings of a young person with cancer and for young people whose sibling or parents have cancer.
Please note that not all of these resources are New Zealand specific.
If you or your whānau have any questions or concerns please contact your healthcare team or AYA Keyworker.


Support Directory

The following non-governmental organisations (NGOs) can provide a range of support services to whānau. These include counselling, financial assistance, peer support, parental, sibling and partner support


Hospital support services i.e. Social Workers, psychology teams, chaplaincy team, Kaiatawhai, The Pacific family support team and Community and social services.

Social workers and NGOs will likely have knowledge of a range of these services within the whānau’s community.

He Ara Takahinga Directory – A Directory of Services in Auckland to Support Whanau Ora healthpoint.co.nz/public/other/auckland-dhb-maori-health/im:339208/

Work and Income – can provide a range of benefit options and financial assistance www.workandincome.govt.nz

Heidi Watson

The Clinical Leader is responsible for providing clinical leadership and national oversight of the network .

Heidi is a passionate and experienced health professional with a strong clinical, education and leadership background. Her enthusiasm for, and commitment to youth health has focused on improving the outcomes of youth with cancer and chronic health conditions. Previously, Heidi held the position of AYA Cancer Nurse Specialist for Auckland District Health Board. Alongside her AYA clinical leadership role she holds a youth health academic position at the University of Auckland.