Psychological/Spiritual Care

Below are a number of booklets and information sheets to support your mental and spiritual health. Please note that some of these are from other countries such as Australia so there will be some information that is not relevant to you. We are working on providing New Zealand specific resources. For more information or if you have any questions please contact your healthcare team or AYA Keyworker.
A number of mental health support websites and organisations are also listed underneath the resources.
Canteen also provides online counselling (check them out at Canteen Connect)
Printable Resources
Web Resources
Aunty Dee |
An online wellbeing tool that helps people cope with stressful life experiences through support with problem solving.
Common Ground |
A good place for family and friends to learn about useful ways to support themselves and teenagers with mental health issues.
Create to Heal App |
Application ‘Create To Heal’ – aims to provide stress relief for cancer patients and their families through music, art, inspirational messages and meditation
Headspace |
Meditation and mindfulness app
Lifeline |
Lifeline Aotearoa’s helpline and textline provides 24/7, confidential support from qualified counsellors and trained volunteers
Smiling Mind |
Meditation and mindfulness app for young people
Sparx |
A fantasy game with skills young people can use to manage stress, anxiety and depression
The Lowdown |
Local hospital support teams i.e. social workers, psychologists, psychiatrist chaplaincy, Kaiatawhai and The Pacific Support Team
Youthline |
Youth specific helpline, textline and webchat provides confidential support from qualified counsellors and trained volunteers
Emotional Wellbeing
This section provides young people with support services and wellbeing apps that are available to you in support of your emotional wellbeing. It is important to take care of your emotional wellbeing whether you are newly diagnosed, going through cancer treatment, post-cancer treatment or needing support during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Please remember your AYA Key Worker is there to support you so make sure to reach out to them as well.
Noho ora mai whānau!

CanTeen . A youth led organisation offering a range of support services for young people aged 13 – 24. CanTeen Connect has free online counselling available 24/7 and peer support activities you can attend locally and regionally. or phone 0800 2268 336
Leukaemia and Blood Cancer NZ. Emotional and practical support as well as education forums for people with Leukaemia and blood cancers. or phone 0800 151015.
Shocking Pink. A NZ peer support organisation for women with breast cancer . You can join the Facebook page from anywhere in NZ or attend regional peer support catch ups. For more information check out their website
Breast Cancer Foundation. Range of emotional supports including MYBC – an online peer support community. They also provide free counselling for up to a year. Phone 0800 902 732 or
Cancer Society. Provide a range of emotional well-being resources nationally to anyone aged over 18. Resources include free one-on-one psychology sessions, free Webinars and online talks, and online support group CancerChat NZ and Cancer Connect NZ. Check out their website for more information or phone 0800 226 237
Youthline. A “with youth, for youth” organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. Providing support to Kiwis aged 12-24 years. Free call 0800 376 633 or Free text 234 or
Life line. Call 0800 LIFELINE or send a text to HELP (4357) for free, 24/7, confidential support – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Website:
- Smiling Minds. Australian Mindfulness App with guided exercises
- Headspace. UK Mindfulness App with a range of guided relaxation exercises you can try
- Melon Health. Free Meditation, Sleep and Mindfulness activities
- Mylife Meditation. American App designed for under 25s which has a range of breathing activities, meditations and mood check in tools
- Designed for young people in Aotearoa by Le Va provides online resources to help young people look after their mental health and includes free online counselling
- A NZ website providing videos and articles about anxiety and depression. Also includes support through a free 24/7 helpline, text and webchat.
- A computerised kiwi self-help tool for 12 – 19 year-olds who might be feeling low
- Provides online tools and resources to help people manage stressful times. Has an app available for download
- A NZ website to help you take small steps to manage stress, calm your mind and lift your mood. Has breathing activities you can try and short clips.